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Thursday, April 11, 2013

The light in the kitchen is very cool and softened some of the skin tones from what it appears in person. This is Foreshortened nude oil on linen 18x24. One more week until complete.


  1. Wow! YOu did an amazing job with the foreshortening! When I go to figure drawing sessions, everybody jostles around, trying to avoid the places where they'll have to draw limbs foreshortened. Sometimes a brave soul will challenge themselves and take a position like you did here, but not often. You should teach a class on how to do it! I can't wait to see more!

  2. Haha! sooooo true! next week is the last week, I wonder what it will look like? I know a few things like the multiple toes I need to work on and the hand, fix the face a bit....background is pretty done. We will see!
